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Now available on apple itunes & ibooks store
Have you struggled discussing your faith with those who believe in Big Bang or General Evolution? Here’s help!
Multi-media book for Apple devices
Primer on key science topics with scientific and Bible objections
Great for personal and/or group study
Fun format built on Active Learning Science delivery methods
Tons of links to beneficial deeper-dive resources
Constructive discussion skills using our Omnidirectional Skepticism® method
Get It or Gift It on the iBook store inside the iBooks app on your iPad.
See a Great Review on Coffee And A Bible here! View Book Resource Page.
printed companion ON AMAZON.COM
The printed companion book for Defend Your Faith Using Science & Reason is now available on Amazon.com. This companion is intended for use in classes where not everyone has an iPad… but some do. The book interior is in black & white to save costs, and will have certain other limitations described in the book Forward (included in the Sample iBook).
Get It or Gift It on Amazon.com today! View Book Resource Page.
In the workS: Guarding against disbelief
This iBook will help you understand the concepts of sanctification, defense and the various “ism’s” that we must guard against. Active Learning features make this a terrific book for individual, group or Bible class studies.