Here are key things we would like to accomplish at Faithsdefense:
Find or create and make easily visible the best quality Bible and Apologetics information on the web, identify grade levels and quality of content
Create fun interactive exercises and testing for all content (even occasional Artificial Inteligence challenges) and reward participation and accomplishment
create electronic courses for structured self-paced or class learning
Publish eBooks for interactive multi-media learning on key topics
Enable setting daily/weekly/monthly goals and remind (or prod) members to stay on track
Create interactive team knowledge challenges and one-on-one debates with assigned moderators and audience real-time for all ages
Create eClass authoring tools and mobile device delivery solutions to engage students interactively even beyond traditional classroom walls - usable by any member
Create mobile audience solutions that allow in-auditorium or remote attendees to easily follow along, seeing presentations, automatically tracking to scripture and capable of audience polling... with audio streaming....affordable and usable by any church
Maintain adult member and under 18 member moderated forums for sharing thoughts on content, learning and sharing experiences etc. No real-world IDs are allowed to keep the environment safe
Let parents of those under 18 control access to features and content, with visibility to activities and accomplishments... and eventually goal setting
Let churches make content and courses available to their members
Allow FD members to share smartly on their social media
Allow FD members to suggest new features and content...AND work with FD to develop them